Rollup wants to be the hardware engineer’s workhorse

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Hard tech startups often capture headlines with their innovative physical products, but there is an emerging trend of companies dedicated to improving the development process for these hard tech innovations. One such company, Rollup, is poised to make a significant impact in this space.

Introducing Rollup: Streamlining Hard Tech Development

California-based Rollup, a startup that has operated in stealth mode for the past three years, is now making its public debut. Founded by Collin Mickels, who has experience from stints at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Blue Origin, and Varda Space Industries, Rollup aims to revolutionize how complex hardware is developed. Despite maintaining a low profile, Rollup has successfully raised $5.6 million from prominent investors such as Andreessen Horowitz and Thiel Capital.

The Rollup Platform

Rollup has developed a comprehensive software platform designed to support the entire lifecycle of a product. This includes systems engineering, systems modeling, requirements management, technical documentation generation, and design reviews. The platform is composed of various modules, including a CAD viewer and requirements management tools, all of which are interconnected to ensure seamless communication and updates across the project.

Key Features:

  • Systems Engineering and Modeling: Facilitates detailed planning and simulation.
  • Requirements Management: Ensures all project requirements are tracked and met.
  • Technical Documentation: Automates the generation of essential documentation.
  • Design Reviews: Streamlines the review process with integrated tools.

The Vision and Impact

Unlike many engineering collaboration tools that are treated as occasional use or “homework assignment” products, Rollup is designed to be an all-day companion for engineers. Mickels emphasizes that engineers currently spend a significant portion of their time on non-engineering tasks due to communication inefficiencies and the need for cross-disciplinary coordination. Rollup addresses these issues by providing a platform that reduces the need for constant meetings, emails, and messages, thereby allowing engineers to focus more on actual engineering work.

Efficiency Gains:

  • Reduced Non-Engineering Work: Engineers spend less time on administrative tasks.
  • Faster Iteration Cycles: The platform helps condense the development cycles for complex hardware.
  • Lower Technical Risk: By facilitating better communication and integration, the platform helps reduce the risks associated with technical development.

Market Adoption and Future Plans

Rollup is already generating revenue and has a customer base primarily consisting of early-stage companies, such as small satellite builders and robotics firms. The startup is now looking to attract more mature companies to its platform and plans to expand the number of integrations with other tools while introducing new features.

Current and Future Goals:

  • Expanding Customer Base: Targeting more established companies in addition to startups.
  • Enhancing Platform Capabilities: Adding more integrations and features to the platform.


Rollup is positioning itself as a critical tool for the hard tech industry, aiming to streamline and enhance the hardware development process. By providing a platform that reduces administrative overhead and improves communication among engineering teams, Rollup has the potential to significantly accelerate the time to market for complex hardware products and reduce technical risks for companies at all stages of development.

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